
Data Penduduk Jakarta
data penduduk jakarta

Harap diisi dengan data sesuai dengan data kependududukan anda yang terdaftar di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pastikan Anda mengisi formulir dengan benar, dan mendaftar dengan data anda sendiri. 5A Sukabumi Selatan Kebun Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11550, Telp : (021) 25673776 Email : bps3174bps.go.idBagi Penduduk DKI Jakarta. Jakarta is located on the coast of Java with an estimated 2016 population of over 10 million people.Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Adm Jakarta Barat (BPS-Statistics of Jakarta Barat Municipality) Jl. Jakarta is currently the largest city in Southeast Asia, and its metro area is so large it has its own name: Jabodetabek (for the initials of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi). 2.5 PENGERTIAN REGISTRASI PENDUDUK Registrasi penduduk meliputi kegiatan pencatatan dan pelaporan data kependudukan yang terdiri dari kelahiran, perkawinan, perpindahan, dan kematian penduduk serta statistik kependudukan lainnya yang dilakukan mulai dari tingkat desa/kelurahan hingga tingkat propinsi.Jakarta, or the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, is the capital of Indonesia, the largest city in the country, and one of the most populous urban agglomerations on earth.

Jakarta is now considered a global city and one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Jakarta has an estimated population of over 10 million people in 2016, up from 9,607,787 recorded during the 2010 Census. Mengutip dari portal resmi Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Senin (), proses vaksinasi dilakukan untuk tenaga kesehatan, lansia, pelayan publik, bahkan kini. Terima Kasih.Data Vaksinasi COVID DKI Jakarta.

South Tangerang Municipality (1.30 million)Jakarta is located at the mouth of the Ciliwung Riveron Jakarta Bay on the northwest coast of Java, which is by an inlet of the Java Sea. Greater Jakarta AreaThe population of Jabodetabek is broken down as follows: The city proper has a very high population density of 14,464 people per square kilometer (37,460/ sq mi), while the metro area has a density of 4,383 people/sq km (11,353/sq mi). City Size and Population DensityThe metropolitan area of Jabodetabek has a population that exceeds 30 million with a total area of 4,384 square kilometers (1,693 sq mi).

This has caused the national government to consider moving the Indonesian capital to a different city.Jakarta's climate has tropical monsoons. Jakarta is also sinking nearly 17 cm (6.7 inches) each year, which has worsened flooding in the area. Some areas are below sea level and subject to flooding while the south of Jakarta is my hilly and less prone to flooding.

Jakarta sends 21 different members to the People's Representative Council, and the representatives are elected from Jakarta's three national electoral districts.In law enforcement and the judicial system, the Polda Metro Jaya oversees the law, security, and order of Jakarta. Unlike other cities in Indonesia, Jakarta actually has mayors who are appointed by the governor instead of elected by the people.The legislative branch is made of 106 members who are directly elected by the citizens of Jakarta. This local government is made of five smaller administrative cities, each led by a mayor, as well as an administrative regency. Jakarta GovernmentThe executive branch of Jakarta is run by a deputy governor and an officially elected governor. The city is tropical and humid with temperatures ranging from 75 to 93 ☏ (24 to 34 ☌) and a humidity level between 75 and 85 percent a majority of the year.

Data Penduduk Jakarta Trial Development And

The local markets serve a majority of the population, such as the markets of Pasar Senen to the east of the central city and Pasar Glodok in the Kota area. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce promotes trade, and Jakarta is about one-fourth of Indonesia’s trade and services and two-thirds of its banking and financial sectors. In the financial industry, there are major industrial development and construction of new homes on the outskirts of town and major commerce and banking in the center of the city. Its manufacturing industries include many iron foundries, repair shops, soap makers, and printing works. The city is the home of six Forbes Global 2000 companies, two Fortune 500 companies, and four Unicorn companies, and the city's GRP was about $483.4 billion USD.Jakarta's major markets are manufacturing, financial services, and public retail markets. Jakarta EconomyJakarta is an important alpha world city with major financial institutions such as the Bank of Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, and corporate headquarters of numerous Indonesian companies and multinational corporations.

Education in JakartaMany new elementary schools and secondary schools have been built, and old buildings have been renovated, so the education system is quite established. Jakarta Age and Gender StatisticsThe age breakdown of Jakarta is as follows:Amongst the entire population, there is approximately one male for every one female in Jakarta. This is followed by Protestantism (7.5%), Buddhism (3.3%), Catholicism (3.15%), Hinduism (0.21%) and Confucianism (0.06%). The city has a diverse Sumatran population, with more than 346,000 Batak, 305,000 Minangkabau, and 155,000 Malays.Islam is by far the most common religion in Jakarta, accounting for almost 86% of the population according to data from the 2010 Census. Jakarta DemographicsAccording to date from the 2000 Census, the ethnic population of Jakarta was:The city of Jakarta has the highest number of overseas Chinese in Indonesia.

Ethnic groups of Jakarta use a mother language at home such as Betawi language, Javanese, Sundanese, Malay, Madurese, Batak, Minangkabau, Chinese, Arabic, and Tamil. English is its second language, with many older people speaking Dutch and Portuguese. LanguageJakarta's official language is Indonesian, which is also the most dominant language.

Growing opportunities in the new capital of the Dutch colony attracted Chinese and Indonesian immigrants. This victory allowed the Dutch to consolidate power and rename the city Batavia in 1619. Just five years later, Fatahillah, a Demak general, attacked and conquered the area and drove out the Portuguese, renaming the region Jayakarta, which became part of the Sultanate of Banten.Dutch ships began arriving in Jayakarta in 1596, and in 1602, the English East India Company made its first voyage and built a trading post, which became the center of English trade in the country until the late 17th century.As relationships between Prince Jayawikarta and the Dutch soured, his soldiers and the English attacked the Dutch fortress and were defeated by the Dutch, who burned the English fort in return. Sunda made an alliance treaty with Portugal, allowing them to build a port in 1522 to defend against the rise of the Sultanate of Demak in central Java. After its decline, its territories - including this area - became a part of the Kingdom of Sunda, which in turn became a major trading port by the 14th century.The first Europeans came to the area in 1513 when Portuguese ships were looking for a spice route.

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